Ep. 22 Interview with TRX Coach Guy Arad
Guy Arad is a father, entrepreneur, veterinary surgeon and was previously in the Israeli military. He is now a plant based TRX coach and author who loves helping people change their lives through their health and fitness. Guy is the creator of the sexytrxabs.com platform.
Guy Arad – Show Notes
What inspired you?
After moving to Canada to pursue a higher standard in his profession of medicine, Guy’s wife suffered from depression, partly due to the winters in their new country. Guy was going to the gym, and a friend introduced him to a company that focused on whole foods, and how to build the body with a plant based diet.
Being a personal trainer previously, and having a background in nutrition, he was open to trying new food products for himself, and his family. They had a transformation with the change in diet, and within 9 weeks, his partner was depression-free.
“It was like somebody flicked the light back on”
Guy found he had more energy himself and recovered better from his workouts. He started building a business around the products that helped him do this.
“There is so much to life. If I can really impact and change other peoples’ lives like that, I want to do that”
Although he is employed as a veterinary surgeon, he wanted to reconnect with his background in personal training and help others by sharing his own story.
One of his friends also introduced him to the company, TRX, which produces a suspension training system. After trying it, he felt a different “burn” in his muscles and felt awake, but not stiff. He started researching how we can use body weight to move and exercise.
Guy has spent the last 6 years becoming certified with the company. He’s worked with MMA fighters, as well as other professional athletes. He says with any sport, the TRX system can be leveraged.
He travels often and likes that he can use the system in places like hotels and parks. He says it only requires 15 minutes, 3-4 times per week, to be effective.
What do you enjoy the most?
Guy says that being able to connect with like-minded people, as well as seeing lives being changed, is what he enjoys the most about what he does.
“I truly believe that people are lost. People are really overwhelmed.”
He teaches a simple philosophy that is “bulletproof.” It involves balancing the body, promoting functional movements as well as keeping the Ph and hormone levels in check.
What are the common mistakes you see?
Guy says that protein overload and the lack of fibre in diets are the most common mistakes he sees. He recommends using plant-based protein and minimizing protein from animal sources. Identifying food choices that are rich in nutrients is key.
He also believes that people commonly train for too long at a gym, and that exercise is best in short, quick “bursts.” More calories can be burned this way. The TRX system features over 1000 exercises that provide a total body workout.
What do you wish you knew then that you know now?
Guy wishes he asked advice from knowledgeable professionals and was more coachable.
“Today I’m like a sponge. I absorb (information).”
What is the biggest challenge in your business?
He now realizes the importance of self-development. About 4 years ago he started focusing on building and growing himself.
What are your most impactful books?
“The Compound Effect” (Darren Hardy), “Think & Grow Rich” (Napoleon Hill) & “Proteinaholic” (Dr. Garth Davis)
Who is your idea client and how can they contact you?
Guy’s ideal client is someone who is gaining weight, lacking energy and who is willing to put in the work to succeed.
“People who are hungry for more are really my dream clients”
Opt in http://sexytrxabs.com/6-minute-workout
book http://www.amazon.com/Abs-Core-TRX-Blueprint-Suspension-ebook/dp/B019YJY3K0
TRX coaching and workouts http://sexytrxabs.com/go
Instagram & Twitter : @GuyAradster
Lisa and Lucho Crisalle are the founders of Exercise & Nutrition Works, Inc., and the creators of the Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, CEU accredited home study program. They are Business Coaches focused on helping personal trainers, coaches, health practitioners and fitness industry experts Monetize Their Nutrition Knowledge with a proven SYSTEM to CONVERT Prospects into High Paying Clients; CREATE Custom Meal Plans based on the Individual; and AUTOMATE their Business to Add an Additional $10,000+ per month.
To get a copy of their ground breaking e-book “7 Proven Steps to Fill Your Nutrition Practice – and the 7 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid” that will work hand in hand with this Podcast to help you transform your business, go to https://monetizeyournutritionknowledge.com/7steps
“Discipline is a muscle and the way that you build it is you use it more often.” ~Jeff Goins
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Helpful Resources:
To learn about becoming a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist™ and implement a SYSTEM for your Nutrition business, check out www.NutritionCertification.com
And, to truly fast track your business, add $10,000+ per month and work with us hands-on to create a complete Custom Program for your business, join us for 3 days in Las Vegas! Learn all that is included and Register at: www.MonetizeYourNutritionKnowledge.com
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