Ep. 16 Interview with Rob Rogers & Gary Millet – Kegenix
Gary and Rob are managing partners and the founders of Axcess Global Sciences, which is the company that licensed their current ketone technology from the University of South Florida. They started the company in May 2012, and now after a lot of work are launching Kegenix, a product that puts ketones in your body in less than 60 minutes. Kegenix™ … Continue reading
Ep. 15 Interview with Pat Rigsby
In the past decade Pat Rigsby has built over a dozen businesses as a CEO and Co-Owner, with five becoming million dollar or multi-million dollar ventures. Two of those businesses, Athletic Revolution and Fitness Revolution, have been multiple time winners on the Entrepreneur Franchise 500 with each being the #1 franchise for it’s respective market. Another business, Fitness Consulting Group, … Continue reading
Ep. 14 Interview with JV Crum III
J V Crum III is a certified Food-Healing Instructor, business and life coach, and host of the top-ranked Conscious Millionaire Health Reality Podcast that focuses on Health & Fitness for Busy Entrepreneurs. He is a speaker, marketer, Huffington Post Columnist, best-selling author, and founder of ConsciousMillionaire.com, a global coaching and wealth product business that helps conscious entrepreneurs build six and … Continue reading
Ep. 13 Interview with Nicole Matthews
Nicole is a mother of 2 beautiful children, a wife, certified personal trainer, studio owner and business owner. Fitness has been a big part of her life for the past 6 years. She fell in love with it when she witnessed her own transformation along with many others. Nicole felt drawn to helping others and digging deeper into the industry. … Continue reading
Ep. 12 Interview with Jennifer Urmston Lowe
Jennifer Urmston Lowe has been the national account manager for Sports & Fitness Insurance Corporation (SFIC) insuring health clubs and fitness centers since 1998. She helped her father, John Urmston, found the IHRSA Insurance Program for Property and Casualty Insurance in 1999. Prior to joining SFIC, Jennifer was the General Manager of two personal training fitness centers and three corporate … Continue reading
Ep. 11 Interview with Dave Dreas
Dave Dreas is a fitness model, owner of Arizona Training Lab and creator of Modestly Refined.com. He is a signed talent that has appeared on multiple covers and spreads, worked with ESPN the Magazine, filmed multiple Reebok commercials and appeared on the Men’s Health Next Top Trainer Reality Show. He also was awarded the ISSA’s famous Alumni Award. Dave is … Continue reading
Ep. 10 Interview with Dr. Darian Parker
Dr. Darian Parker earned his Ph.D in Sports Education Leadership from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. He also earned his Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees from James Madision Univeristy in Kinesiology with concentrations in Exercise Leadership, Athletic Administration and Advanced Coaching. Dr. Parker is also a certified personal trainer through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. During Dr. Parker’s undergrad … Continue reading