Ep. 30 Meet Simon Lovell, Founder of Fitpreneurs.com
Previously a personal fitness trainer and author of The Lunch Box Diet (2009 Harper Collins), Simon mentors fitness/ health professionals on how to improve their income in 30 days or less so that they can have the freedom they want and to have maximum impact around the world.
He is now the founder of Fitpreneurs and has mentored with the likes of Tony Robbins, one of the world’s leading motivation experts. Simon has also rubbed shoulders with the likes of Sir Richard Branson on his own private Island (Necker) and has a strong passion for helping fitness professionals grow to their true potential
He doesn’t take himself seriously but he’s serious about one thing… results and taking action!
Simon Lovell – Show Notes
What is your background?
When Simon was in high school he was bullied, over weight and depressed. A trainer showed him how to get confidence in himself and Simon became hooked on training. Later on, an event happened in Simon’s life where he lost everything, his home, his job and his relationship. He decided to take the fitness leap and leave the country for three months to get his trainer certification.
“I embarked on that journey through struggle”
What are the most common mistakes you see?
Simon says he notices coaches and trainers aren’t putting enough work in to the business side.
“The key element to building a business is building a team and a support network around you.”
What do you wish you knew then that you know now?
Simon states when you are willing to speak about what you struggled with that’s when you make a strong connection with people and gain their trust.
“Vulnerability. Be vulnerable, let people in.”
What is your biggest challenge with clients?
Simon says mind set is the biggest element and running the wrong business model.
“People want to make more money but don’t want to push themselves to the point of hammering themselves into the ground.”
What are the biggest mistakes people could make?
Under charging. Simon feels that people think by charging a smaller amount that they are doing their client a service, but it’s not, you are actually lowering the commitment level to the client.
Most impactful Books?
“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, “Do the Work” by Steven Pressfield, “A New Earth” by Eckhart Tolle.
Who is your ideal client?
People who are really passionate about helping other people, clients should have drive, determination, and be self-aware. Ideal clients are trainers looking to get out of a studio or gym, or wanting to increase their profit margins.
Interview Links
Learn how you can get started as a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist and MONETIZE your Nutrition Knowledge:
Lisa and Lucho Crisalle are the founders of Exercise & Nutrition Works, Inc., and the creators of the Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, CEU accredited home study program. They are Business Coaches focused on helping personal trainers, coaches, health practitioners and fitness industry experts Monetize Their Nutrition Knowledge with a proven SYSTEM to CONVERT Prospects into High Paying Clients; CREATE Custom Meal Plans based on the Individual; and AUTOMATE their Business to Add an Additional $10,000+ per month.
To get a copy of their ground breaking e-book “7 Proven Steps to Fill Your Nutrition Practice – and the 7 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid” that will work hand in hand with this Podcast to help you transform your business, go to https://monetizeyournutritionknowledge.com/7steps
“Discipline is a muscle and the way that you build it is you use it more often.” ~Jeff Goins
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Helpful Resources:
To learn about becoming a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist™ and implement a SYSTEM for your Nutrition business, check out www.NutritionCertification.com
And, to truly fast track your business, add $10,000+ per month and work with us hands-on to create a complete Custom Program for your business, join us for 3 days in Las Vegas! Learn all that is included and Register at: www.MonetizeYourNutritionKnowledge.com
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