Ep. 33 Meet Health Coach & Author, Neil Cannon
Neil Cannon is a health coach and the author of a no.1 bestseller, “The Vitality Secret”, and a previous book to help men increase testosterone completely naturally, called “Mojo Multiplier.”
Neil stumbled upon his passion in nutrition and fitness in 2011 when figuring out how to solve a health problem for himself. Since then, he has read many books from leading authorities in “alternative” health, interviewed experts in the field and learned from the best.
Neil is a firm believer that most health conditions can be healed naturally and drugs should be the absolute last resort. He helps his clients reduce high blood pressure and inflammation, burn considerable amounts of fat with ease, balance unhealthy cholesterol levels and he has helped reverse pre-diabetes as well as helping men increase testosterone naturally.
Neil Cannon – Show Notes
What is your background?
Neil was always a hard worker looking to develop a successful online business. After being insulted by his friend about having “man boobs”, he decided something needed to be done. As Neil did some research, he discovered that there was an obvious problem amongst men as a good percentage of them had this issue.
Neil shares that it is the fourth most popular surgery carried out on men in the US.
“I kind of combined a personal story with a hungry market I guess, because people are complaining a lot about this condition.”
While doing his research, Neil fully realized how much we are surrounded by the female hormone, estrogen, which is causing havoc among men – leading to low testosterone levels, dramatically falling sperm counts and also infertility.
“That’s when I realized, as the Western world, we are surrounded by all these hormones and pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides. All those things harm your hormones levels.”
While having trouble trying to promote his book he got in contact with a Beachbody consultant who gave him the idea to rebrand his book to be about building testosterone naturally. Although he still had trouble promoting that book online, Neil decided to put that book on hold and write a new book on something he is really passionate about, inflammation.
Neil’s father suffered from chronic inflammation which led to high blood pressure and then ultimately a stroke. Neil believes that this didn’t have to happen. His father was advised to take a drug which only masked the symptoms, which in turn led to his stroke.
“None of that had to happen. (It was) typical Western advice: take this pill, take this pill, masking symptoms not addressing the root condition which was inflammation.”
Neil points out that you can fight or manage all the diseases that are caused by inflammation by getting rid of toxins that causes it.
“If you get rid of all the toxins that causes inflammation and then you supplement with the stuff that fights inflammation, then you can get rid of it and fight these kind of conditions, or manage them at least.”
He notes that chronic inflammation leads to almost every disease there is including cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, stroke and heart attacks.
How did you get started in the industry?
Neil was originally comes from internet/affiliate marketing background and wanted to develop an offer of his own that he could promote to others.
“It’s way better promoting your own offer than promoting other people”
He was originally hiding behind his book, and even used a different name when writing it. Neil “came out” in 2014 and explains that he was actually his first client.
“I think one of the best ways to be successful in this business is to show you have created the results for yourself so you lead by example”
What are your thoughts on “coaching for free”?
Neil has been asked if he would coach people for free, but he feels that people that don’t pay won’t stick to his program.
How does soy affect testosterone in men?
93% of soy in America is genetically-modified, and is an estrogen-mimicking compound. Genetically-modified organisms have all been proven to raise estrogen levels, which can trigger various forms of cancer.
“There needs to be skin in the game from their side, and there needs to be skin in the game from your side”
What do you wish you knew then that you know now?
Neil wishes he would have built a team from the start, and when working alone, you will always have self-doubt.
“You can all work together for a synergistic effect and build a proper business”
He also wishes he had gone into past ventures asking what value he could provide others, as opposed to just looking to make money.
What is your biggest challenge now?
Focus has been an ongoing challenge for Neil, as well as developing an effective plan for his business.
“I’ve known for years that the best way to succeed is just to absolutely nail one idea.”
Once you have a plan and have the desire to create something, then you’re able to “hyper-focus”
What are the three most impactful books either personally or professionally?
“The Primal Blueprint” by Mark Sisson,
“Magic of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz and
“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill
Who is your ideal client?
An ideal client for Neil would be someone around the age of 40-50, going out of shape, losing energy and starting to think about his or her health.
“There shouldn’t really be any risk of any kind of failure, because all that failure is, is a lesson from which you can grow and learn from those mistakes, and is essentially just feedback.”
Learn how you can get started as a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist and MONETIZE your Nutrition Knowledge:
Lisa and Lucho Crisalle are the founders of Exercise & Nutrition Works, Inc., and the creators of the Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist, CEU accredited home study program. They are Business Coaches focused on helping personal trainers, coaches, health practitioners and fitness industry experts Monetize Their Nutrition Knowledge with a proven SYSTEM to CONVERT Prospects into High Paying Clients; CREATE Custom Meal Plans based on the Individual; and AUTOMATE their Business to Add an Additional $10,000+ per month.
To get a copy of their ground breaking e-book “7 Proven Steps to Fill Your Nutrition Practice – and the 7 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid” that will work hand in hand with this Podcast to help you transform your business, go to https://monetizeyournutritionknowledge.com/7steps
“Discipline is a muscle and the way that you build it is you use it more often.” ~Jeff Goins
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To learn about becoming a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist™ and implement a SYSTEM for your Nutrition business, check out www.NutritionCertification.com
And, to truly fast track your business, add $10,000+ per month and work with us hands-on to create a complete Custom Program for your business, join us for 3 days in Las Vegas! Learn all that is included and Register at: www.MonetizeYourNutritionKnowledge.com
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